Senin, 09 Juni 2014

Population Livelihood Bali

Bali is a small island that stretches from the West tip to tip along the East approximately 153 kilometers and from north to south along the approximately 112 km. According to data from the BPS Bali by 2012, the island has an area of ​​5,780.06 square kilometers inhabited by 4:22 million, with an average density of 730 inhabitants per square kilometer. From a total of 4:22 million inhabitants, 89% ethnic Balinese, Javanese 7%, 1% so-called Bali Aga, and 1% Madurese. And there are about 30 thousand foreign citizens (foreigners) who live in Bali until the end of 2012. In terms of religion / beliefs held, 92.29% of Bali's population is Hindu, 5.69% Muslim, Catholic and Christian 1:38%, and 0.64% adherent Buddha. There are 3 kinds of language used in Bali. Use of Balinese language more dominate in rural areas and suburbs. In urban areas (such as Denpasar) and tourist areas (such as Kuta, Seminyak, and Nusa Dua) ​​more populated using Indonessia language. Foreign languages ​​are widely used, especially in tourist areas, is English, followed by Japanese, French, Spanish and Italian.
Livelihoods in Bali, among others, include work as farmers, craftsmen, and a wide variety of businesses in the services sector, especially tourism. Subsistence farming is the most important of the majority of the people of Bali. Types of farming in this paradise island include rice farming and plantations. In the farming system in Bali, "Subak" very important role.

Subak is one form of social organization in Balinese traditional and hereditary formed by the Balinese Hindu community. Subak serves as an integral part of the paddy rice field owners or tenants who receive irrigation water from a water source or a particular dam. Subak is a unity of economic, social, cultural and religious. In general, the duty of every citizen is to organize subak water sharing, maintaining and repairing irrigation, pest eradication activities, agricultural innovation and conceptualize and activate the ceremony. Because subak has a structure which is based on the conception of Tri Hita Karana is a conception which harmoniously integrates three components cause of the prosperity and happiness of life is believed by the people of Bali, so that each subak in Bali should have a temple of worship. Subak existing on the island numbered about 1,482 fruit and Subak Abian 698 numbered pieces.

The concept of Tri Hita Karana

Bali is an island that has a tradition and culture that is very thick. Balinese culture is essentially based on the values ​​that are rooted in the teachings of Hinduism. The Balinese recognize the difference (rwa bhineda), which is often determined by factors of space (village), time (kala) and the real conditions in the field (patra). The concept of the village, kala, patra cause of Balinese culture and is flexible and selective in accepting and adopting external cultural influences. Historical experience shows that the communication and interaction between the Balinese culture and foreign cultures such as Indian (Hindu), China, and the West in particular in the field of art has given rise to new creativity in the visual arts and performing arts. The themes in painting, fine arts and performing arts heavily influenced by Indian culture. Similarly, Chinese and Western culture / Europe gives the feel of a rock on the art products in Bali. The acculturation process shows that the Balinese culture is flexible and adaptive, especially in the arts that is still able to survive and not lose identity (Mantra 1996).

Balinese culture actually uphold the values ​​of balance and harmony of the human relationship with God (Parhyangan), human relations (pawongan), and the human relationship with the environment (palemahan), which is reflected in the teachings of Tri Hita Karana (three causes of welfare). If humans were able to maintain a balanced and harmonious relationship with all three of these aspects then welfare will be realized. In addition to the values ​​of balance and harmony, also known in Balinese culture the concept of tri Shemaiah the Balinese people's perception of the time. According to the Balinese past (athita), the present (anaghata) and future (warthamana) is a time series of DAPT is not separated from one another. Human life at this time is determined by the results of past actions, and actions today determine the lives in the future. In the doctrine of the law of karma phaladisebutkan causation of a deed, a good deed will get a good result. Vice versa, the bad deeds or bad results are also not good for the concerned.

The uniqueness of Pura Goa Lawah

Bali is known as the "Island of Thousand Temples". One contained in the Bali Pura Pura Goa Lawah is. The uniqueness of Pura Goa Lawah reflected directly from its name. In the Balinese language, meaning Lawah bats, the only flying mammals are nocturnal and is identical to the fictional hero Batman. The most sacred temple in Goa Lawah consisting of a praying shaped small buildings located right at the mouth of the cave is inhabited by thousands of bats. Because tourists visit and worship is generally done during the day, when we went to Pura Goa Lawah sure we will see thousands of small black bird is hanging in the sky bedroom cave.

Down a few steps from the mouth of the cave is restricted low fence there are quite spacious courtyard where Hindus come to worship. Usually procession praying at this temple is done in rotation and led by a pastor. In addition to paving the ground storey where the people who pray sitting facing the cave, in this section there are also a number of bale and Meru, the sacred building shaped tower with a terraced roof. There are three Meru lined up on the side of one side, each with terraced roofs 3, 7, and 11, while on the other hand there are some bale.

At the time there praying, tourists are not allowed to stand or walk in front of people who are praying. But after finished praying, praying while waiting for the next executed, tourists are allowed to get close to the front of the cave to look around. It's just to go up to the sacred area which is located at the mouth of the cave, is not allowed. In addition to these rules, to respect the sanctity of the temple, tourists who visit are also required to use a sarong tied scarf. Visitors who do not bring their own fabric and scarves can be rented at the counter where to buy tickets.

The gate that separates the sacred area with a courtyard outside the temple consists of three gates built of black lava rock filled with beautiful carvings are other interesting things in this Lawah Pura Goa. Separating the sacred area with park visitors, there is a garden laid out nicely decorated with a pond and a stone statue. In the parking lot shaded by many large trees, there is a large wantilan dimanya visitors can take a break to just unwind after touring the temples under the heat and humidity.

Just across the street, in line with the mouth of the cave and the main gate of the temple, there is a worship place on the waterfront. Usually Hindus pray here after completing the procession praying in the temple. In addition to praying place, this beach also has a beautiful panoramic view, with a sloping black sand overlooking the blue sea with a dark shadow on the horizon island of Nusa Penida.

Privileged Barong Dance

Indonesia is a vast country and thinking about a lot of islands, one of which is the island of Bali, Bali is an island that is already well known International and has art one of them is "Barong Dance" is already well known in foreign countries as well as in the country, therefore we sebgai Indonesian citizens should be is also proud of the arts in Indonesia and helped maintain and preserve the culture of claiming that there is no culture of other countries as they had done before. Barong Dance is a typical Balinese dances from the Pre-Hindu cultural treasure. This dance depicts the battle between virtue (dharma) and evil (adharma). Being virtue dilakonkan by Barong, the dancers with costumes quadruped, while the manifestation of evil played by Rangda, the sinister figure with two pointy fangs in his mouth.

Barong is depicting the virtues of ancient animals and Rangda is an all-powerful ancient animals depicting the Barong and the monkey was in a dense forest. Then came the three masked men who portray three men who were making wine in the middle of the forest, where her son had been eaten by a tiger. The three men were very angry and attacked the tiger (Barong) and the nose in a fight one of the three men was bitten by a monkey.

Barong privilege lies in the elements of comedy and mythological elements that make up the performing arts. The elements of comedy are usually inserted in the middle of the show for the audience laugh. In the opening half, for example, a character who accompanies the Barong monkey makes funny movements or ear biting opponent for audience laughter.

Architectural beauty of Bajra Sandhi Monument

Balinese people struggle monument or better known by the name of Bajra Sandhi Monument, is a monument built to commemorate and honor the warriors and heroes in Bali from time to time. Yes, this is a museum, but it does not mean Bajra Sandhi like most museums are usually encountered in Bali. This building has a concept that is built so that the cultural traditions of Bali can be seen clearly, even when it first docked eyes looked Bajra Sandi atapun distance from the main gate. There are more things that want to be shown this monument.

Bajra Sandhi Monument is located right in the heart of Denpasar, is very easy to recognize one's monument. Stood highest among the surrounding buildings, though not too high because of government regulations that prohibit building height Bali more than 15 meters, Bajra Sandhi coated black lava color and shape Bajra (bell) which reflect the culture of Bali, is a striking building that may not be passed out of sight. Diusungpun architectural concepts can not be separated from the smell of Bali. The concept is called Tri Mandala of Mandala which consists of the deepest parts of the building, followed by Madya Mandala is the area surrounding the Main latter Nista Mandala Mandala is circling the outer courtyard of Madya Mandala. Access to the monument itself is only one open to the public between the four existing gates.

Architectural beauty that carried Bajra Sandhi not infrequently, making it one of the favorite places for pre-wedding photo shoot. Bajra buildings surround a large pool combined by the gazebo in each of the four sides of the wind made it a strategic place to relax. Entering the main building, Bajra Sandi is a three-story building that is centered on the pond, named Puser Tasik. Tasik navel itself is surrounded by eight grand pole to the floor that leads to the second floor and a spiral staircase leading to the top floor to ceiling carved periwinkle.

Floor base is a photo exhibition and a painting, piece of information, library, administrative space and a toilet. Exhibition of photographs in a display room of old photographs as the pictures of the king and sage, then photographs the Dutch colonial era, the source of eye-opening history of the past we will portrait of Bali. Up to the second floor is a space diorama. Constructed in a way so that there will be two circular rotation diorama divide into the stone age before the time when the struggle for independence with the Dutch occupied Bali, business freedom, war bellows to maintain war Indonesian proclamation.

End of the floor, the third floor can be said to be part of the most liberating the mind. The windows that surround this story thrusts sweeping views of the city of Denpasar lautanpun even be seen. When visitors lonely monument, this place is really cool. Away from the hustle and menginzinkan eyes to look in any direction without hindered the building of any height.

Still in the area of ​​Bajra Sandhi, this monument was built in Niti Mandala Renon area is broad field that is commonly used for occasions of government, recreation areas and especially the local residents jogging in the morning and evening. It is not surprising to see Niti Mandala Renon area filled with local residents every day. It's just that if you want to know the history of Bali and his face in the past, into the bell-shaped monument could have been a special experience unique and unforgettable.